Bongoicons describe Fashion as an expression of oneself, a way to signify who you are, where you come from and what you believe in.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Learn How To Stop Sweating So Much
1. Avoid Spicy Foods
Step away from the Sriracha, drop the Tapatío and don’t even think about
adding extra peppers. When you’re eating spicy foods, there’s usually
one culprit in there causing you to sweat: capsaicin. It’s the major
spicy chemical in peppers that sends signals to your brain that your
body is overheating. This activates receptors in your body to cause a
reflexive cooling response — AKA sweat — to cool down your body.
2. Don’t Drink Caffeine (Especially in the form of HOT coffee)
Caffeine is actually a major sweat trigger. It stimulates the central
nervous system, activating sweat glands. The more caffeine you have, the
more likely you’ll sweat. That’s even more true when you have it in the
form of a hot Americano or hot green tea (though if you’re looking to
cool down for real and don’t mind a little sweat, then hot coffee is the way to go). If you’re out and about and are in dire need of caffeine, stick to iced or decaf versions.
3. Wear Cotton Or Silk
If you decide to wear sweat-inducing fabrics like polyester and acrylic,
you’re asking for it. Stick to light cotton threads or even
moisture-wicking fabrics (athleisure wear is so hot right now) to make
sure your body stays cool.
4. Use Garment Shields
Want to wear that super cute white blouse, but afraid of the sweat that
will surely leak through the armpits? Garment shields know what’s up.
Just place the self-adhesive apparel shield inside the underarm area of
your top and it’ll help you stay fresh and, most importantly, dry.
5. Hold the Salt
In addition to ditching the hot sauce, I suggest putting a pause on
dishes high in sodium. When you consume large amounts of salt, your body
works hard to get rid of the excess sodium by sweating. Do yourself a
favor. Reach for the low-sodium soy.
7. Slather on Some Lemon Juice
If you’re looking for a natural alternative to clinical antiperspirants,
lemon juice is the perfect at-home remedy. Squeeze some lemon juice
into a bowl and apply it on your armpits before you go to bed. It’ll
absorb into your body, helping to fight sweat and making you smell nice
and citrusy.
8. Shave Yourself
If you’re a supporter of the pro-hair movement, by all means, skip this
tip. Seriously, more power to you. However, it is a known fact that
sweat tends to accumulate around the hairiest parts of your body. I’m
not just talking about the locks on your head. I mean your underarms,
legs and private parts. Not only does sweat tend to happen here most, it
also develops a really bad odor. Keeping yourself hair-free in those
areas will not only fight the sweat, but will also make you stay clean
and fresh-smelling.
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